Our Purpose
New Orleans, although a beautiful city, is filled with so much brokenness. Statistics have shown that the high school drop-out rates show no signs of improvement; that poverty levels are increasing; that the mental health of school-age children has become more fragile; and that violent and non-violent crime has surged greatly within the city of New Orleans, especially among school-age children.
According to the Metropolitan Crime Commission, statistics show that in 2021, juvenile arrests outnumbered adults by more than two to one and many of the adults that were arrested were between the ages of 18 and 21. In this year alone (2022), homicides are up 37%, carjackings are up 60%, shootings are up 18% and armed robberies are up 32%. And unfortunately, evidence has shown young offenders to be the committers of these crimes. When faced with these ghastly statistics, we must ask ourselves, “Where do we go from here?” because the future of our children in New Orleans is at stake.
Research asserts that high-quality afterschool programs promote positive youth development and offer a safe space where youth can explore their potential. Moreover, participating in an after-school program improved school attendance and reductions in criminal activity.
As such, the PURPOSE of Phoenix Communities of NOLA is:
To Make a Positive Impact in the Lives of Children, Families, and Communities by Disrupting the Narrative that has Snared the Lives of so Many.
“Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear.”
Nelson Mandela
Our Vision
Rebuild communities by protecting our children and cultivating them to be the next generation of leaders.

Our Mission
To provide middle and high school students of New Orleans access to an after-school program that is safe and fosters an environment that ensures their physical, mental, and academic needs are consistently met.